********Ello people of earth!***********

Hello every one this is my first web site and let me tell you what its gona be about! :) Lets see....for starters im going to tell u about the awesome songs i just happen to find on the internet,my poetry
 (and other poetry i find inspireing) , quotes and all things interesting.        (A little about me.)
My name is Audrey but my screen name is "missunderstood_poet". I have a 4 year old brother. My dogs name is zoey.  I play the saxaphone. And im in judo jujitsu kickboxing grappling and a black belt in tikwando. All in all im pretty well rounded. 
All lovers of pie are welcome and i hope everyone enjoys this website! :)
(>^.^)> ^(^.^)^ <(-.-<) v(x.x)v "(>X_X<)"  TIRED....