 Since iv been told i should add jokes, here they are! I just love the first 1 so scroll down and read!   :) + :(

1. The secretary of defense is briefing president Bush on Iraq. "Yesterday 3 Brazillion soliders were killed". "Oh no!" exclaims the president. "Thats terrible!"
His staff, stunned by this unprecedented display of emotion, watching as Bush sits,
head in his hands. Finally he looks up and asks, " how many is a Brazillion?"

2. A motorists gets caught in a speed trap that photographs his car.
He later recieves a ticket in the mail for 40$ with a photo of his car.
Instead of payment, he sends the police department a photograph of 40$.
A few days later he gets a letter from the police department with a picture of handcuffs.

4. A thief stuck a pistol in a  mans ribs and said,"give me your money"
The gentlman shocked by the sudden attack said,"you cant do this im a U.S congressman!"
The theif said "in that case give me my money!"